
Use the built in hooks in Page Builder Framework in your child-themes functions.php to further customize your website.


Hook: wpbf_body_open

Execution: Fires after the opening <body> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_body_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_content_open

Execution: Fires after the opening content wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_content_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_inner_content_open

Execution: Fires after the opening inner content wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_inner_content_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_main_content_open

Execution: Fires after the opening main content wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_main_content_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_page_title

Execution: Fires before the page title.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_page_title', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_page_title

Execution: Fires after the page title.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_page_title', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_entry_content_open

Execution: Fires after the opening content wrapper and right before the_content().

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_entry_content_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_entry_content_close

Execution: Fires before the closing content wrapper and right after the_content().

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_entry_content_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_main_content_close

Execution: Fires before the closing main content wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_main_content_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_inner_content_close

Execution: Fires before the closing inner content wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_inner_content_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_content_close

Execution: Fires before the closing content wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_content_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_body_close

Execution: Fires before the closing <body> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_body_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Pre Header

Hook: wpbf_before_pre_header

Execution: Fires before the pre-header section.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_pre_header', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_pre_header_open

Execution: Fires after the opening pre-header wrapper (only available on single column layout).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_pre_header_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_pre_header_left_open

Execution: Fires before the pre-header content in the left column (only available on two column layout).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_pre_header_left_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_pre_header_left_close

Execution: Fires after the pre-header content in the left column (only available on two column layout).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_pre_header_left_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_pre_header_right_open

Execution: Fires before the pre-header content in the right column (only available on two column layout).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_pre_header_right_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_pre_header_right_close

Execution: Fires after the pre-header content in the right column (only available on two column layout).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_pre_header_right_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_pre_header_close

Execution: Fires before the closing pre-header wrapper (only available on single column layout).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_pre_header_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_pre_header

Execution: Fires after the pre-header section.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_pre_header', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_header

Execution: Fires before the opening <header> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_header', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_header_open

Execution: Fires after the opening <header> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_header_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_header_close

Execution: Fires before the closing <header> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_header_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_header

Execution: Fires after the closing <header> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_header', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_main_navigation

Execution: Fires before the main navigation.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_main_navigation', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_main_menu

Execution: Fires before the opening main menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_main_menu', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_main_menu_open

Execution: Fires after the opening main menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_main_menu_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_main_menu_close

Execution: Fires before the closing main menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_main_menu_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_main_menu

Execution: Fires after the closing main menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_main_menu', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_mobile_menu

Execution: Fires before the opening mobile menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_mobile_menu', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_mobile_menu_open

Execution: Fires after the opening mobile menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_mobile_menu_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_mobile_menu_close

Execution: Fires before the closing mobile menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_mobile_menu_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_mobile_menu

Execution: Fires after the closing mobile menu <nav> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_mobile_menu', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_main_navigation

Execution: Fires after the main navigation.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_main_navigation', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_menu_toggle

Execution: Fires before the menu toggle on desktop navigations (off-canvas & full-screen).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_menu_toggle', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_menu_toggle

Execution: Fires after the menu toggle on desktop navigations (off-canvas & full-screen).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_menu_toggle', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_mobile_toggle

Execution: Fires before the menu toggle on mobile navigations (hamburger & off-canvas).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_mobile_toggle', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_mobile_toggle

Execution: Fires after the menu toggle on mobile navigations (hamburger & off-canvas).

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_mobile_toggle', 'your_prefix_function' );


Hook: wpbf_before_logo

Execution: Fires before the header logo.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_logo', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_logo

Execution: Fires after the header logo.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_logo', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_mobile_logo

Execution: Fires before the header mobile logo.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_mobile_logo', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_mobile_logo

Execution: Fires after the header mobile logo.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_mobile_logo', 'your_prefix_function' );


Hook: wpbf_before_loop

Execution: Fires right before looping through the available posts.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_loop', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_loop

Execution: Fires right after looping through the available posts.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_loop', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_sidebar

Execution: Fires before the opening <aside> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_sidebar', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_sidebar_open

Execution: Fires after the opening <aside> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_sidebar_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_sidebar_close

Execution: Fires before the closing <aside> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_sidebar_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_sidebar

Execution: Fires after the closing <aside> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_sidebar', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_footer

Execution: Fires before the opening <footer> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_footer', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_footer_open

Execution: Fires after the opening <footer> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_footer_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_footer_close

Execution: Fires before the closing <footer> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_footer_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_footer

Execution: Fires after the closing <footer> tag.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_footer', 'your_prefix_function' );

Post Meta

The post meta data is visible on archives & single pages.

Hook: wpbf_before_article_meta

Execution: Fires before the article meta-data.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_article_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_article_meta_open

Execution: Fires after the opening article meta-data wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_article_meta_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_author_meta

Execution: Fires before the author meta.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_author_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_author_meta

Execution: Fires after the author meta.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_author_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_date_meta

Execution: Fires before the date meta.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_date_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_date_meta

Execution: Fires after the date meta.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_date_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_comments_meta

Execution: Fires before the comments meta.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_comments_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_comments_meta

Execution: Fires after the comments meta.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_comments_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_article_meta_close

Execution: Fires before the closing article meta-data wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_article_meta_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_article_meta

Execution: Fires after the article meta-data inside the article-header.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_article_meta', 'your_prefix_function' );


Hook: wpbf_before_article

Execution: Fires before the opening <article> tag on single pages.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_article', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_article_open

Execution: Fires after the opening article wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_article_open', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_post_links

Execution: Fires before the post navigation.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_post_links', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_post_links

Execution: Fires after the post navigation.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_post_links', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_article_close

Execution: Fires before the closing article wrapper.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_article_close', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_article

Execution: Fires after the closing <article> tag on single pages.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_article', 'your_prefix_function' );


Hook: wpbf_before_comments

Execution: Fires before the comment section.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_comments', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_before_comment_form

Execution: Fires before the comment form.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_before_comment_form', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_comment_form

Execution: Fires after the comment form.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_comment_form', 'your_prefix_function' );

Hook: wpbf_after_comments

Execution: Fires after the comment section.

function your_prefix_function() {
    echo 'Lorem Ipsum'; 
add_action( 'wpbf_after_comments', 'your_prefix_function' );


Hooks: wpbf_before_customizer_css or wpbf_after_customizer_css

Execution: Fires before/after the dynamically generated CSS that’s created based on the customizer settings. Learn more

 * Add custom CSS.
 * These styles will be minified and added to the dynamically generated CSS that's created based on the customizer settings.
function prefix_custom_dynamic_css() {
    if ( get_theme_mod( 'prefix_your_custom_theme_mod' ) ) {
        .prefix-your-class {
            background-color: <?php echo esc_attr( get_theme_mod( 'prefix_your_custom_theme_mod' ) ); ?>;
add_action( 'wpbf_after_customizer_css', 'prefix_custom_dynamic_css' );

Theme Settings Page

Hooks: wpbf_before_customizer_links or wpbf_after_customizer_links

Execution: Fires before/after the customizer links on the theme settings page. Can be used to add custom customizer links.

Last updated on: September 9th, 2020

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