Feature Requests
X Icon (Formly Twitter)
Hello, I'd like to request that the Twitter icon be updated to the X icon. Having both would be neat, but I'd rather have the most up-to-date icon if there's no…
Add generic email option in the social media section in the customizer.
I am getting more requests to have this as an option with the social icons and it would be nice to have this option in the social media section of…
Use relative path for font cache
and eliminate the need to manually clear the font cache folder when migrating the site to a different host. In response to this issue: https://wp-pagebuilderframework.com/docs/fonts-not-loading-correctly/
Ability to Create New Pages in the Menu Section of Customizer, brilliant time saver.
Recently had to use Jupiter X theme which I really do not like but there was one outstanding feature which was so good it would be great to have that…
Export/Import settings
As a WordPress web developer, I have a starter theme and database utilized for all my clients. It would be helpful to be able to import default settings for menu…
Customization Option to Disable Comments
Looking through the docs and The Customizer, I do not see an option to disable comments outright. It would be nice to have an option under the Blog section to…
Better "Core Web Vitals" by removing jQuery and replacing theĀ icon font file with "SVG" icons
All the “Page Builder Framework” competitors have joined the “jQuery FREE” party, and even the Astra team is currently working on removing jQuery from Astra PRO for its upcoming version….
icon font additions
Love being able to use the included icon font for basic theme requirements over loading another icon library. For the next additions I’d love to see 2 additions. A ‘Phone’…
Full Screen Menu: Quit/exit menu with click
For improved UX an option to quit the menu by clicking anywhere outside of the links would be great. Currently the only way to hide the full-screen menu is to…
Option to hide the post excerpt from Blog / Archive options
Hide the post excerpt from Blog / Archive options. This should be applicable to all possible layouts and also in the requested Custom Post Type Archive options
Compile inline CSS on Multisite
This feature wasn’t working correctly on multisite, so it was removed in PRO 2.5.10. It could be nice to have it back and fully working.
Custom schema.org itemtypes filter
There doesn’t seem to be a way to filter the schema.org `itemtype` attribute on articles and right now, all attributes are set to “CreativeWork”, which is not always correct for…
Option to show full posts on blog.
In addition to excerpts, add the option to display full posts on the blog.
Lowercase text transform options for Heading tags
Currently we can only choose Uppercase as a text transform option for headings. Would love to be able to use lowercase instead without needing to add custom CSS each time.
Social icon link titles
Consider using a “title” attribute for social icon links rendered by the `wpbf_social()` function. I don’t think we need an input field in the customiser to set them, it’s sufficient…
Related Posts feature
This feature is absolutely essential for Bloggers and Affiliate Marketers in order to Reduce the bounce rate by displaying more recommended content. Would be Awesome to have this needed feature…
Extra Typo Settings for Submenu
If I want to have the main menu uppercased and with a wider letterspacing, it’s highly possible, I don’t want this setting to be transfered to submenus, since it would…
Hooks for Woocommerce products
I think it would be nice to have some hooks on the Woocommerce product pages (for example under short description and before Add to cart button). It is a space…
Enable font mimetypes for upload
PBF has a custom typography option that allows you to upload a font file…except font files aren’t default-allowed on WP, and the function.php for this theme doesn’t have the code…
'Home' icon added to icon font
Would be useful to have a home/house icon added to the icon font.