
Page Builder Framework

Version – June 13, 2024

  • Fixed: Mobile menu animation

Version – June 12, 2024

  • Fixed: Issue with Google Font variants not rendering properly
  • Fixed: Google Font picker customizer control is slow
  • Fixed: HTML wouldn’t render in Customizer textarea fields
  • Fixed: Mobile menu animation

Version – June 03, 2024

  • Fixed: Decimals are not handled correctly among WordPress Customizer controls

Version – May 27, 2024

  • Fixed: Background color setting in the WordPress Customizer won’t save
  • Fixed: Scripts & Styles in the WordPress Customizer won’t save

Version – May 24, 2024

  • Fixed: Some separators in the customizer were displayed in the wrong location
  • Fixed: Color picker doesn’t work
  • Fixed: Use modernized design for responsive customizer controls

Version – May 23, 2024

  • Reverted: Fix for fatal error when Kirki plugin is installed
  • Fixed: Customizer tabs registered by the Premium Add-On are not rendered

Version – May 23, 2024

  • Fixed: Font variant issue
  • Fixed: Fatal error when Kirki plugin is installed

Version – May 20, 2024

  • Fixed: Custom Fonts integration

Version – May 16, 2024

  • Tweak: Missed to include compressed images in previous release

Version 2.11 – May 16, 2024

  • New: Page Builder Framework just got 2,8mb (that’s almost 50%) lighter! We have removed Kirki from the theme to introduce our own customizer controls. This will give us more flexibility and freedom moving forward.
  • New: Load vanilla JS files if jQuery is not being loaded on the frontend of the website
  • Tweak: Updated Google Fonts list
  • Important! Please update the Premium Add-On to the latest version to prevent compatibility issues

Version 2.10.7 – March 19, 2024

  • Fixed: Google fonts are no longer downloaded correctly

Version 2.10.6 – November 22, 2023

  • Update BFCM deal message

Version 2.10.5 – November 21, 2023

  • Tweak: Updated Twitter (X) logo

Version 2.10.4 – November 12, 2023

  • Updated Kirki to v5
  • PHP 8 compatibility

Version 2.10.3 – March 14, 2023

  • Fixed: Possible fatal error with PHP8 and above (edge case)
  • Updated Kirki

Version 2.10.2 – November 07, 2022

  • Tweak: Apply spacing to image wrapper instead of the actual image in WooCommerce product list
  • Hotfix: Issue with WordPress 6.1 where sub-menu’s won’t render correctly

Version 2.10.1 – September 09, 2022

  • New: Setting to clear font cache
  • Fixed: If custom logo URL was removed, href tag was empty
  • Minor tweaks & improvements

Version 2.10 – May 27, 2022

  • Tested up to WordPress 6.0
  • New: wpbf-display-block helper class
  • Tweak: Removed long deprecated functions
  • Fixed: Add margin to WooCommerce categories block when displayed with hirarchy
  • Fixed: Compatibility with Central Color Palette
  • Removed: Notice block (it is not allowed by a theme to include a block in the WordPress repository)

Version – March 22, 2022

  • Tweak: Updated Kirki
  • Tweak: Change Kirki inline style tag id
  • Fixed: Custom Fonts titles were hidden

Version 2.9 – March 18, 2022

  • New: Further improved Customizer experience
  • New: Icons (Calendar, Bag, Loading & Document)
  • New: Sub Menu typography settings
  • New: Setting to disable comments globally under Blog -> Post Layout
  • New: Compatibility notice with older versions of the Premium Add-On
  • New: Filters (wpbf_display_comments, wpbf_display_post_links)
  • Fixed: Missing spacing around comment reply link
  • Fixed: Block layout settings (full-width & wide layout) were missing
  • Fixed: If Icon Font is enabled, the WooCommerce menu item icon always defaults to cart icon – no matter what option is selected in the customizer
  • Fixed: Prevent flickering when Scroll to Top button fades in/out

Version 2.8.8 – February 11, 2022

  • Tweak: Improved how customizer styles are applied to Gutenberg editor
  • Fixed: Gutenberg default styles

Version 2.8.7 – February 04, 2022

  • New: Filter to allow users to change the Logo URL (wpbf_logo_url)
  • Tweak: Don’t render height & width values if Logo is SVG
  • Fixed: Block layout settings (max-width & full-width) were missing

Version 2.8.6 – January 27, 2022

  • Tweak: Don’t output theme-color tag if no theme color is set (Either under General -> Theme Colors -> Accent Color or Typography -> Text -> Accent Color)
  • Fixed: added theme.json to fix CSS output for global Gutenberg font sizes registered by the theme (thanks @jessicalyschik)

Version 2.8.5 – January 14, 2022

  • Fixed: Some slider controls didn’t work properly

Version 2.8.4 – December 14, 2021

  • Tweak: Removed srcset & sizes attributes from logo as it caused issues with custom sticky navigation logo

Version 2.8.3 – December 08, 2021

  • Tweak: Updated Kirki
  • Fixed: Color control doesn’t update if uppercase values are being pasted

Version 2.8.2 – December 07, 2021

  • Tweak: Add width, height, srcset & sizes attributes to desktop & mobile image logo
  • Fixed: Controls are rendered in the wrong order under WooCommerce Shop Page section
  • Fixed: Issue with Custom Fonts in Premium Add-On caused by Kirki 4

Version 2.8.1 – November 27, 2021

  • Fixed: Possible fatal error with earlier versions of the Premium Add-On
  • Tweak: Hide Inherit Global Settings from Sidebar metabox on pages

Version 2.8 – November 26, 2021

  • Updated to Kirki 4
  • Fixed: Issue where padding and responsive padding control values output 0 even if no values have been saved

Version – November 16, 2021

  • Tweak: Conditionally display admin notice

Version – November 08, 2021

  • Tweak: Removed SVG/Icon Font related body classes as they were not in use & created issues with Beaver Builder

Version – November 02, 2021

  • Fixed: Newly added arrow icons appear on non-Page Builder Framework navigations

Version – November 02, 2021

  • Fixed: Font size CSS was missing from main navigation

Version – October 26, 2021

  • Tweak: sub-menu indicator arrows are no longer pseudo elements – they are now shown when Navigation Hover Effects are used
  • Tweak: Improved RTL support in navigation

Version 2.7 – October 26, 2021

  • New: Theme color meta tag
  • New: Option to replace Icon Font with SVG’s
  • Tweak: Improved RTL support

Version 2.6.23 – October 18, 2021

  • New: Added support for widgets-block-editor (Block Sidebars)

Version 2.6.22 – September 09, 2021

  • New: Footer font options
  • Tweak: Further improved Elementor product loop grid compatibility
  • Fixed: Prevent scrolltop link from being indexed/followed
  • Tweak: If layout is set to boxed, let’s make the boxed background color apply to Gutenberg

Version 2.6.21 – September 05, 2021

  • Fixed: Edge-case where themes WooCommerce grid layout is broken when Elementor is being used

Version 2.6.20 – August 16, 2021

  • Tweak: Better support for Elementors WooCommerce product grid layout

Version 2.6.19 – August 13, 2021

  • Undo: Removing our WooCommerce product loop wrappers has proven to cause more issues than it solves. We now bring back our custom WooCommerce wrappers on Elementor built pages and product archives
  • Tweak: added missing “columns-x” class to custom WooCommerce wrappers to better support 3rd party plugin compatibility

Version 2.6.18 – August 10, 2021

  • Fixed: PBF’s custom WooCommerce wrappers were removed from product pages, even though Elementor theme builder was not enabled

Version 2.6.17 – July 31, 2021

  • New: Updated icon font. New icons: User (outlined), TikTok, Patreon, Dribbble, Tumblr, Phone, Phone (outlined)
  • New: Setting to allow users to collapse sub-menu’s on mobiles if other sub-menu is expanded
  • New: Filter (wpbf_block_editor_styles) to disable Page Builder Frameworks block editor styles
  • New: Filter (wpbf_woo_product_loop_wrapper) to disable Page Builder Frameworks product loop wrapper
  • Tweak: Remove Page Builder Frameworks product loop wrappers if a page/archive was built with Elementor. Elementor applies their own CSS to product loops, let’s not interfere with it.
  • Fixed: Notice on shop pages when Divi builder is installed
  • Fixed: Customizer live preview for sub-menu indent setting doesn’t work

Version 2.6.16 – July 24, 2021

  • Tweak: Removed Gutenberg/block support from widgets.

Version 2.6.15 – July 22, 2021

  • Fixed: Issue where WooCommerce smallscreen stylesheet was missing

Version 2.6.14 – July 20, 2021

  • Fixed: Styling of Gutenberg blocks in the theme Sidebar

Version 2.6.13 – July 13, 2021

  • WordPress 5.8 support
  • New: Custom width setting per page/post/cpt
  • New: Classes to reverse rows & columns when using built-in responsive grid (.wpbf-row-reverse-large, .wpbf-column-reverse-large, .wpbf-row-reverse-medium, .wpbf-column-reverse-medium, .wpbf-row-reverse-small, .wpbf-column-reverse-small)
  • New: Sub-menu text alignment setting
  • Tweak: Add overflow-x: hidden to body to prevent horizontal scrolling
  • Tweak: Improvements when switching between tab & mouse navigation (Accessibility)
  • Tweak: Sub-menus in pre-header area can now be accessed through tab navigation (Accessibility)
  • Tweak: Make page padding apply to .wpbf-container

Version 2.6.12 – June 7, 2021

  • Minor tweaks & improvements

Version 2.6.11 – May 28, 2021

  • New: Added Page Builder Framework options to quick-edit screen
  • New: Change WooCommerce notice text & background color
  • New: Options to disable WooCommerce gallery lightbox, gallery zoom & gallery slider
  • Tweak: Make cover & group block content respect PBF’s site width & customizer width settings
  • Tweak: Optimized assets loading for the new block-related styles & scripts
  • Fixed: Gutenberg code & inline-code styling
  • Fixed: If a % value is set for the site width, the mobile navigation  shows a gap on the right side

Version 2.6.10 – May 21, 2021

  • Fixed: Fatal error with older versions of WordPress caused by the newly added Gutenberg block

Version 2.6.9 – May 15, 2021

  • New: Page Builder Framework got its first Gutenberg block! Introducing: The notice block (reference –
  • Tweak: Close search menu item on blur (tab navigation) for better accessibility
  • Fixed: WooCommerce ajax add to cart feature on product pages causes issues if product page was built with Beaver Themer. We now deactivate and fall back to the non-ajax method as it is not possible for us to support Beaver Themer in this case
  • Fixed: Desktop & mobile navigations have the same id (renamed #navigation to #mobile-navigation for mobile menu’s)
  • Fixed: Kirki warning with PHP 8
  • Fixed: Tab navigation didn’t work properly with all desktop menu variations (accessibility)

Version 2.6.8 – May 03, 2021

  • New: New: Filter (wpbf_remove_featured_image) to remove featured image from posts, cpt’s and pages

Version 2.6.7 – April 30, 2021

  • New: Featured images on pages
  • New: .is-loading state for wpbf-button
  • Tweak: Allow navigation and mobile navigation height to be 0
  • Tweak: Refactored “Ajax Single add to Cart” feature
  • Tweak: WooCommerce form fields width is now 100% on mobiles
  • Tweak: Search magnifier icon is now a clickable button

Version 2.6.6 – April 14, 2021

  • New: Toolset 1.5 compatibility

Version 2.6.5 – April 13, 2021

  • Tweak: Improved Gutenberg compatibility & button styles

Version 2.6.4 – March 30, 2021

  • Tweak: Tested up to 5.7
  • Tweak: Remove console logging for WooCommerce quick view
  • Fixed: Removing “Background” menu from the Appearance tab throws a notice for non-admins

Version 2.6.3 – February 26, 2021

  • Tweak: Allow empty values in padding controls
  • Tweak: Simplified postMessage scripts for newly converted customizer controls
  • Fixed: Mobile menu padding doesn’t work
  • Fixed: Padding fields won’t change if +/- buttons are clicked

Version 2.6.2 – February 17, 2021

  • Fixed: Added backwards compatibility for long deprecated customizer settings that caused issues after converting controls in 2.6

Version 2.6.1 – February 17, 2021

  • Maintenance release

Version 2.6 – February 17, 2021

  • New: Added option to hide/show post excerpt & full post on archive pages
  • New: Filter (wpbf_local_gravatars) to store Gravatars locally (GDPR)
  • New: Filter (wpbf_single_itemtype) to change itemtype schema markup on posts
  • New: Filter (wpbf_archive_itemtype) to change itemtype schema markup on archives
  • New: WPML support for Custom Sections (Premium Add-On)
  • Tweak: Adjust scrolltop spacing on mobiles
  • Tweak: Refactored & improved WooCommerce +/- indicator buttons
  • Tweak: Removed loading/confirmation animation from WooCommerce add to cart buttons
  • Tweak: Improved customizer experience – Refactored custom controls to only save a single them_mod & fully integrate with Kirki to take advantage of things like conditional logic/display
  • Tweak: Remove “Background” customizer link from Appearance admin menu
  • Fixed: Blockquote styling (large) inside the block editor is breaking layout
  • Fixed: Issue where footer nav-menu’s won’t register

Version 2.5.12 – January 04, 2021

  • Tweak: Check specifically if Yoast breadcrumbs are enabled before replacing theme’s breadcrumbs
  • Fixed: WooCommerce taxonomy archive doesn’t respect sidebar settings in the Customizer

Version 2.5.11 – December 04, 2020

  • WordPress 5.6 compatibility
  • Fixed: Issue where admin notice couldn’t be dismissed

Version 2.5.10 – November 25, 2020

  • Tweak: Improved theme settings page design
  • Tweak: Improved WooCommerce menu item
  • Fixed: Logo position issue with Centered menu variation & sticky pre header

Version 2.5.9 – November 09, 2020

  • New: Support for Nested Category Layout WooCommerce extension
  • Fixed: RTL searchform styling
  • Fixed: Footer menu locations didn’t show up
  • Tweak: Removed sidebar from Beaver Builder templates
  • Tweak: Updated & enhanced Elementor Pro integration

Version 2.5.8 – September 28, 2020

  • Tweak: Further improved LifterLMS support
  • Tweak: Improved Elementor line-height fix

Version 2.5.7 – September 21, 2020

  • New: LifterLMS support
  • Tweak: Removed menu from footer content if text is selected
  • Tweak: Remove post links from EDD products
  • Fixed: Footer menu locations didn’t appear by default
  • Fixed: Variable WooCommerce products can be added to the cart via ajax even if no variation is selected

Version 2.5.6 – September 7, 2020

  • Tweak: Register footer & pre-header menu’s conditionally
  • Fixed: Global colors don’t apply in Gutenberg editor

Version 2.5.5 – August 25, 2020

  • Maintenance release

Version 2.5.4 – August 12, 2020

  • New: Responsive page padding setting
  • Tweak: Updated readme.txt
  • Tweak: Pass default values to certain customizer controls
  • Tweak: Issue where cache needed to be cleared for changes to take affect with “Compile Inline CSS” setting checked

Version 2.5.3 – August 10, 2020

  • Tested up to WordPress 5.5
  • Tweak: Updated Kirki
  • Fixed: Use the same aria-label twice on the same page for mobile & main navigation
  • Fixed: Blog featured images overflowing in IE11
  • Fixed: Navigation background color doesn’t apply in customizer

Version 2.5.2 – July 27, 2020

  • Tweak: Menus inside the Pre Header will now also be displayed on mobile devices (excluding sub menus)
  • Tweak: Updated Page Builder Framework icon font
  • Fixed: List styling inside comments

Version 2.5.1 – July 20, 2020

  • New: Customizer settings to modify mobile sub menus
  • Fixed: PHP notice in logo.php & logo-mobile.php
  • Fixed: Color picker issue with the upcoming 5.5 version of WordPress
  • Fixed:  jQuery 3.x incompatibility

Version 2.5 – July 8, 2020

  • New: The theme now uses CSS variables to display its default colors
  • Fixed:  Gutenberg integration

Version 2.4.3 – June 3, 2020

  • Tweak: Allow Pre Header menu’s to be 4 levels deep
  • Fixed:  Anchor menu links no longer close the mobile navigation

Version 2.4.2 – May 30, 2020

  • Fixed: Navigation background color overrides sticky header background color

Version 2.4.1 – May 29, 2020

  • Fixed: Boxed layout margin settings didn’t work in the customizer
  • Fixed: Sub menu animation duration doesn’t work
  • Fixed: Navigation background color overrides transparent header background color
  • Tweak: Allow Pre Header menu’s to be 3 levels deep

Version 2.4 – May 25, 2020

  • Please clear your cache after this update!
  • New: Filter to change author meta avatar size (wpbf_author_meta_avatar_size)
  • New: Body class if boxed layout is selected (wpbf-boxed-layout)
  • New: Body classes that change depending on the device/screen size (wpbf-is-desktop, wpbf-is-tablet, wpbf-is-mobile)
  • New: Gutenberg support for Theme Button styles
  • Tweak: Updated WPML integration
  • Tweak: Combined existing JS files into a single file to save 1 http request
  • Tweak: Added partial refresh & postMessage functionality to customizer controls
  • Tweak: Allow 0 for WooCommerce +/- quantity field
  • Tweak: Nested list styling
  • Fixed: Search Console error where searchform ID appeared twice on a page
  • Fixed: EDD per product sidebar settings don’t work
  • Fixed: Bullet points not rendering in text widgets
  • Fixed: Pagination active color
  • Fixed: Sanitization for custom customizer controls
  • Fixed: Pagination is missing bottom margin
  • Fixed: issue where – in the customizer – clicking the logo doesn’t take you back to the home page

Version 2.3.1 – March 26, 2020

  • Fixed: Quotation marks being added to some fonts

Version 2.3 – March 24, 2020

  • New: Filter (wpbf_title) to remove title from certain pages
  • New: We now use hooks to display post links & posts navigation for more flexibility (wpbf_post_links, wpbf_posts_pagination)
  • New: Plus/minus buttons for WooCommerce quantity fields can now be removed
  • New: Filter to remove WooCommerce scripts & styles
  • Tweak: Make customizer links (Theme Settings page) actionable (wpbf_before_customizer_links, wpbf_customizer_links, wpbf_after_customizer_links)
  • Tweak: Improved Beaver Builder compatibility
  • Tweak: Added screen-reader text to WooCommerce plus/minus fields
  • Tweak: Sidebar page template is now deprecated. Pages now respect the Sidebar settings by default
  • Tweak: Make navigation & mobile navigation actionable for more flexibility
  • Tweak: Reorganized footer settings in sections
  • Fixed: Plus/minus fields were not responsive
  • Fixed: Assigned .sticky styling to wpbf-post to prevent conflicts
  • Fixed: Fonts like Exo 2 that require quotation marks don’t work

Version 2.2 – February 14, 2020

  • New: Theme settings page & admin notice to improve onboarding experience
  • New: Plus/minus indicators for WooCommerce quantity fields
  • New: Hooks (wpbf_before_logo, wpbf_after_logo, wpbf_before_mobile_logo, wpbf_after_mobile_logo)
  • New: Filter to change the search page title (wpbf_search_page_title)
  • New: Filter to add a blog page title (wpbf_blog_page_title)
  • New: Filter to change the navigation position (wpbf_menu)
  • New: Filter to change EDD menu item icon (wpbf_edd_menu_item_icon)
  • Tweak: search.php & archive.php have been removed in favor for index.php. With the recent changes, those 3 files would have been identical
  • Tweak: We now use hooks to display article meta components instead of directly outputting the function. This makes it possible to unhook meta data to replace it with custom code
  • Tweak: Reordered sections in the Header panel (Customizer)
  • Tweak: Improved how mobile navigation settings are displayed in the Customizer
  • Tweak: Removed comment-argument filters (wpbf_leave_comment, wpbf_leave_reply, wpbf_cancel_reply, wpbf_post_comment) as comment_form is already filterable. More info (under Comments)
  • Fixed: Bug in mobile product search
  • Fixed: input_slider controls don’t refresh instantly
  • Fixed: Breadcrumbs causing fatal error in some occasions

Version – January 29, 2020

  • Fixed: Desktop font size setting overrides mobile font size
  • Tweak: No longer restrict article meta to only post archives
  • Tweak: Removed duplicate separater

Version – January 18, 2020

  • Changed screenshot

Version – January 16, 2020

  • Fixed: Default boxed layout background color doesn’t take affect

Version – January 15, 2020

  • Fixed: Navigation color settings affect sub-menu’s

Version 2.1.4 – January 15, 2020

  • New: Toolset Blocks integration
  • New: Option to change Excerpt indicator
  • New: Icon color options for scrolltop
  • New: Made WooCommerce menu item icon filterable (wpbf_woo_menu_item_icon)
  • Tweak: Overall customizer improvements
  • Tweak: Moved ScrollTop settings from Layout to its own section in the WordPress customizer
  • Tweak: Better default-value handling for customizer settings. We now stop the CSS output if settings in the customizer are set back to their defaults
  • Tweak: Make use of the new input slider where possible in the WordPress customizer
  • Tweak: Turned non-image logo size controls into responsive input slider
  • Fixed: Pre header navigation inherits main navigation active/hover color
  • Fixed: Footer navigation inherits main navigation active/hover color
  • Fixed: Prevent navigation font color settings from affecting Pre Header & Footer menu’s

Version 2.1.3 – December 4, 2019

  • Tweak: Sync WordPress customizer device preview with custom responsive controls
  • Tweak: Add pixel as default parameter for logo size (text)
  • Tweak: Partial refresh for pre-header
  • Fixed: Primary theme button colors don’t apply

Version 2.1.2 – November 13, 2019

  • New: Improved Pre Header settings
  • New: Hooks (wpbf_before_mobile_menu, wpbf_mobile_menu_open, wpbf_mobile_menu_close, wpbf_after_mobile_menu)
  • Tweak: Moved accent color settings from general tab to Typography > Text
  • Tweak: Improved Gutenberg compatibility/integration
  • Fixed: Footer font size setting doesn’t affect menu’s assigned to the footer

Version 2.1.1 – October 21, 2019

  • New: Option to add custom mobile logo
  • New: SEOPress integration (Breadcrumbs)
  • New: Added “Edit” icon to Logo’s in the customizer
  • New: wpbf_entry_content_open and wpbf_entry_content_close hooks
  • Tweak: Default unit for sub menu font size is now px if not specified specifically
  • Fixed: Theme textdomain was not loaded properly (Thanks Per Rosén)

Version 2.1 – October 14, 2019

  • Maintenance Release
  • New: Post Layout options
  • New: RankMath integration (Breadcrumbs)
  • New: Beaver Themer & Elementor Pro integration
  • Tweak: Moved post navigation outside of wpbf-article-wrapper
  • Tweak: Removed :focus from body element
  • Fixed: Stretched featured images conflict if set for multiple archives
  • Fixed: Collapsing mobile menu search item
  • Fixed: Multiple search forms on a single page causes accessibility issue
  • Fixed: Duplicate closing li tag on comments
  • Fixed: Added missing comments ID

Version – August 17, 2019

  • New: responsive embed/oembed videos
  • Tweak: hard-coded child-theme version as dynamically fetching may fail due to custom child theme folder name

Version – July 24, 2019

  • Fixed: Constant

Version 2.0.8 – July 24, 2019

  • New: Customizable WooCommerce list view for shop pages
  • Tweak: Minor accessibility tweaks
  • Tweak: Optimized icon font delivery
  • Fixed: Breadcrumbs are not being displayed

Version 2.0.7 – July 7, 2019

  • Minor Tweaks
  • Updated Google Fonts list
  • Fixed: Bug where hover animation (WooCommerce Tabs) took place on active state
  • Fixed: http/https issue with locally hosted Google Fonts

Version 2.0.6 – June 18, 2019

  • New: Added support for Elementor Header, Footer & Blocks Plugin (previously only available with the Premium Add-On)
  • New: Added wpbf_search_menu_item_form filter
  • Fixed: Prevent breadcrumbs from showing up on WooCommerce checkout and cart page
  • Updated Page Builder Framework icon font

Version 2.0.5 – June 3, 2019

  • New: pagination styling options
  • New: refactured & improved post meta settings
  • New: breadcrumbs position & styling options
  • New: wpbf_main_content_open & wpbf_main_content_close Hooks
  • New: wpbf_before_page_title & wpbf_after_page_title Hooks
  • New: wpbf_before_comment_form & wpbf_after_comment_form Hooks
  • New: wpbf_article_meta_open, wpbf_before_author_meta, wpbf_after_author_meta, wpbf_before_date_meta, wpbf_after_date_meta, wpbf_before_comments_meta, wpbf_after_comments_meta, wpbf_article_meta_close Hooks
  • Fixed: make desktop logo size apply to mobile menu if not declared specifically
  • Fixed: wpbf_before_comments & wpbf_after_comments hooks fire even if comments are turned off or no comments are visible
  • Fixed: bug where WooCommerce sidebar settings didn’t affect category pages
  • Fixed: bug where WooCommerce product search didn’t fire in main navigation

Version 2.0.4 – May 14, 2019

  • New: Google fonts are now hosted locally by default
  • New: Inline CSS can now be saved as stylesheet
  • New: Gutenberg editor now reflects font-families
  • New: Ability to create sub-menu’s that are 4 levels deep
  • Tweak: Added Screen Reader Text to featured images on archive pages
  • Fixed: Added default bottom margin to posts on archives if “Boxed” style is selected

Version 2.0.3 – April 15, 2019

  • Fixed: Internationalization for next/previous post text
  • Fixed: WooCommerce sidebar logic
  • Fixed: Hide built-in Breadcrumbs from WooCommerce pages
  • Fixed: ?customize_changeset_uuid= was added to the URL on events calendar categories when WooCommerce is installed

Version 2.0.2 – April 9, 2019

  • New: Stretch featured image on archives if boxed style is selected
  • New: wpbf_before_loop & wpbf_after_loop hooks
  • Tweak: use outline instead of box-shadow to highlight tab navigation for compatibility reasons
  • Fixed: hide tab-triggered sub menu on click

Version 2.0.1 – April 1, 2019

  • New: Added upcoming wp_body_open hook
  • Fixed: wrong logo size breakpoint (tablet)

Version 2.0 – March 27, 2019

  • All Features from 2.0 – Beta-1
  • New: Finalized WPML Integration
  • New: Ajax Add to Cart for WooCommerce Product Pages
  • New: WooCommerce notice color options
  • New: Added option to change „Filed under:“ text if categories are displayed
  • New: added wpbf_archive_class, wpbf_tags_title & wpbf_categories_title filter
  • Tweak: Filled mobile toggle inherits accent color if no specific color defined
  • Tweak: Moved comments count from article footer to article meta-data (header)
  • Fixed: Logo size backwards compatibility
  • Minor Tweaks, Fixes & Improvements

Version 2.0 – Beta-1 – March 4, 2019

  • New: Blog Layouts
  • New: Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) integration
  • New: major accessibility improvements (tab navigation, screen reader text, aria markup)
  • New: option to hide Featured Image
  • New: mobile menu hamburger-icon style (filled)
  • New: refactored, improved & simplified logo settings (Header -> Logo)
  • New: option to show the page title in post navigation
  • New: set individual pages/posts/cpt’s to contained if they have been set to full-width globally
  • New: custom breadcrumbs separator
  • New: wpbf_before_post_links & wpbf_after_post_links hook
  • New: wpbf_before_main_navigation & wpbf_after_main_navigation hook
  • New: wpbf_previous_post_link & wpbf_next_post_link filters
  • New: wpbf_inner_content filter
  • New: theme_author filter
  • New: wpbf-full-width body class
  • Tweak: updated readme file
  • Tweak: turn hamburger icon (mobile menu) into X on click
  • Tweak: updated normalize.css to v8.0.1
  • Tweak: moved menu font size setting from Premium Add-On to Page Builder Framework
  • Tweak: refactored Footer & Pre Header
  • Tweak: refactored Sidebar & Body Class logic
  • Tweak: refined Custom Menu logic
  • Tweak: make sidebar settings affect elementor sidebar widget
  • Tweak: WooCommerce product search via menu-item is now optional
  • Tweak: using wpbf_inner_content() & wpbf_inner_content_close() on archives for more flexibility
  • Tweak: improved code documentation
  • Fixed: selecting „No Sidebar“ for pages with Sidebar-Template doesn’t work
  • Fixed: cpt archives set to „No Sidebar“ aren’t displayed full-width
  • Fixed: closing inner-content div wasn’t removed if global template settings being used
  • Fixed: Footer menu isn’t responsive if footer only has one row
  • Fixed: WooCommerce select2 arrow on checkout
  • Fixed: WPCS warnings
  • Removed: deprecated page templates (No Header & No Header/Footer)

Version 1.13.1 – December 6, 2018

  • New: Search Icon for mobile navigations
  • New: 404 Page Settings
  • New: Option to hide WooCommerce menu item from non-WooCommerce pages
  • Tweak: Search inside the navigation turns into product search if WooCommerce is installed
  • Fixed: Full Screen menu hooks were in the wrong place

Version 1.13 – November 30, 2018

  • New: Toolset integration
  • New: WPML integration
  • Tweak: make customizer preview reflect theme’s mobile breakpoint & custom mobile breakpoint if set
  • Fixed: archive & post width settings don’t take affect
  • Fixed: Footer menu is not fully responsive
  • Fixed: Pre-Header sub-menus are not showing up
  • Fixed: related products are floating if tabs are not present on WooCommerce product pages
  • attempt to fix a display issue in the WordPress repository theme preview

Version 1.12 – November 12, 2018

  • New: Gutenberg Compatibility
  • New: Sub Menu Separator
  • New: Footer Width Setting
  • Tweak: Code & Performance Improvements
  • Prepared theme for Blog Layouts and 2.0
  • Fixed: bug where singular body class is being added to archive pages
  • Fixed: removed background-color from wp-caption causing issues with Elementor 2.3.0

Version 1.11.1 – October 23, 2018

  • Tweak: prevent categories, tags & meta data from showing up on custom post type archives
  • Fixed: WooCommerce product grid doesn’t take affect
  • Fixed: wpbf-post styling

Version 1.11 – October 23, 2018

  • New: wpbf_body_close hook
  • New: added filters to change the thumbnail size on archives & posts (wpbf_blog_post_thumbnail_size & wpbf_single_post_thumbnail_size)
  • Tweak: don’t show archive headline if no post could be found
  • Tweak: improved header markup
  • Tweak: refer to instead of in all instances
  • Tweak: load pingback reference only on singular & if pings are open
  • Tweak: change inline CSS location if WooCommerce is active
  • Tweak: simplified HTML markup for 404 pages & if articles couldn’t be found
  • Fixed: markup
  • Fixed: duplicate class parameter on posts that appear on archives
  • Fixed: post links not clearing floats
  • Fixed: Contact Form 7 alert styling

Version 1.10.1 – October 6, 2018

  • Tweak: Adjusted padding & line-height for notices (CSS Framework)
  • Fixed: Typo in breadcrumbs.php causing fatal error

Version 1.10 – September 25, 2018

  • New: Breadcrumbs
  • Improved performance
  • Tweak: restructured General & Logo panel in the customizer
  • Tweak: defined default sizes for WooCommerce images
  • Tweak: hide select field arrow from Elementor select fields
  • Fixed: WooCommerce side by side column layout on checkout affects other woocommerce column layouts
  • Fixed: WooCommerce product loop start & end filter
  • Fixed: fixed path to loading.svg (WooCommerce)

Version 1.9.1 – September 6, 2018

  • New: default styling for Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing Add-On
  • New: CSS-Framework notices
  • Tweak: table & select styling is now applied globally (fixes WooCommerce quick view issues in Premium Add-On)
  • Tweak: set footer branding link to nofollow
  • Tweak: replaced search form background image (magnifier) with icon font for more flexibility & to save a php request

Version 1.9 – August 30, 2018

  • New: Page Builder Framework is now EDD (Easy Digital Downloads) ready!
  • New: Option to show ScrollTop button after x amount of px
  • New: Footer height setting
  • Tweak: Changed screenshot to match the new repository guidelines
  • Tweak: Postmessage functionality for footer settings + rgba color fields
  • Tweak: ScrollTop button is now being added through hook instead of hard-coding it into the footer for more flexibility
  • Tweak: changed allowed min & max values for sub-menu width field

Version 1.8.2 – August 21, 2018

  • New: Category descriptions
  • Tweak: Removed theme metaboxes from Beaver Builders & Elementors custom post types
  • Fixed: Elementors WooCommerce product module shows duplicate elements

Version 1.8.1 – August 7, 2018

  • New: added bag icon to Page Builder Framework icon font
  • Tweak: changed WooCommerce “Out of Stock” message position
  • minor bugfixes & improvements

Version 1.8 – July 10, 2018

  • New: WooCommerce integration
  • New: mobile menu item padding control
  • New: sidebar widget padding control
  • New: custom width settings for archive & single pages
  • New: resizable mobile logo container
  • New: Hooks (wpbf_content_open, wpbf_inner_content_open, wpbf_inner_content_close, wpbf_content_close, wpbf_before_comments, wpbf_after_comments)
  • Tweak: updated default grid gap from divider to medium
  • Tweak: customizer tablet preview adjusts to custom responsive breakpoints and is now set to 768px by default

Version 1.8-beta1 – 06/19/2018

  • New: WooCommerce integration
  • New: mobile menu item padding control
  • New: Hooks (wpbf_content_open, wpbf_inner_content_open, wpbf_inner_content_close, wpbf_content_close)
  • Tweak: customizer tablet preview adjusts to custom responsive breakpoints and is now set to 768px by default

Version 1.7.7 – 05/23/2018

  • Fixed: menu search icon was missing

Version 1.7.6 – 05/22/2018

  • Page Builder Framework is now 100% GDPR compliant!
  • New: host Google Fonts locally
  • New: mobile menu closes if anchor links (# or /#) are being used
  • New: wpbf_has_responsive_breakpoints() function
  • New: responsive padding control field
  • New: Text color can now be changed (moved from Premium Add-On to Page Builder Framework)
  • Tweak: removed padding from #inner-content container and replaced it by adding responsive css class (wpbf-padding-medium). Check your custom pages, archives and cpt’s and add class if needed.
  • Tweak: updated Italian translation
  • Tweak: removed FontAwesome 4 dependency
  • Tweak: removed FontAwesome 5
  • Tweak: prepared filebase for WooCommerce integration
  • Fixed: untranslatable “Read more” string

Version 1.7.5 – 04/24/2018

  • Maintenance release
  • New: hamburger size & color options for mobile menu
  • New: filters for search form title & placeholder (wpbf_search_placeholder, wpbf_search_title)
  • New: separate background color for mobile menu’s
  • New: added system fonts to default fonts dropdown
  • New: Spanish translation (thanks @innovanity)
  • New: French translation (thanks Gwenaël)
  • Updated: custom font
  • Tweak: refine js logic for mobile menu’s
  • Fixed: dropdown menu icon alignment
  • Fixed: only use !important on headlines if elementor is being used (

Version – 04/07/2018

  • Fixed: Sidebar doesn’t display properly
  • Fixed: missing German translation

Version 1.7.4 – 04/07/2018

  • Tweak: replaced FontAwesome with custom icons
  • Tweak: changed sidebar id from wpbf-sidebar to sidebar-1 for it to be displayed in preview
  • Tweak: tags are now hidden by default for archives & singe pages

Version 1.7.3 – 03/30/2018

  • Tweak: updated preview image

Version 1.7.2 – 03/29/2018

  • Tweak: prepared header & footer for Elementor 2.0 support
  • Tweak: prepared 404 page to be replaced with a custom shortcode by Premium Add-On
  • Tweak: removed Edit link
  • Fixed: missing hooks (wpbf_before_article, wpbf_before_article_meta, wpbf_after_article_meta, wpbf_after_article)
  • Fixed: sidebar not being displayed in theme preview

Version 1.7.1 – 03/27/2018

  • Updated: German translation
  • Fixed: Pagination links

Version 1.7 – 03/22/2018

  • Page Builder Framework is now available from the WordPress repository
  • New: resizable logo container
  • New: Disable Header & Disable Footer template setting
  • New: advanced button settings
  • New: mobile sub-menu arrow color setting
  • New: post navigation
  • New: center aligned sub menu’s
  • New: customizable scroll to top button
  • Tweak: close sub-menu’s on mobile devices when menu is being closed
  • Tweak: default sub menu effect is now “fade”
  • Tweak: footer menu is now also being displayed on mobile devices
  • Fixed: boxed layout doesn’t work if no page width has been set
  • Deprecated: No Header Template
  • Deprecated No Header/Footer Template

Version 1.6.10 – 04/05/2018

  • New: Theme Update/Migration Notice

Version 1.6.9 – 03/15/2018

  • Fixed: wrong textdomain in several instances

Version 1.6.8 – 02/21/2018

  • Fixed: backwards compatibility for FontAwesome 4

Version 1.6.7 – 02/12/2018

  • Tweak: added backwards compatibility for FontAwesome 4

Version – 02/12/2018

  • Fixed: Elementor is overriding theme FontAwesome file

Version 1.6.6 – 02/12/2018

  • New: WooCommerce sidebar options
  • New: footer menu’s
  • New: filter for “default” mobile menu text
  • Tweak: Updated FontAwesome to version 5
  • Tweak: Removed kirki FontAwesome script from the fontend
  • Tweak: rewritten the WooCommerce styles as a foundation for the WooCommerce integration (please check your WooCommerce styles)
  • Fixed: sidebar shows up on search pages, even it has been disabled globally
  • Fixed: background image settings do not show up

Version 1.6.5 – 01/31/2018

  • New: collapsible sub-menus for mobiles & off-canvas menus
  • New: adjustable sub-menu width
  • New: adjustable sub-menu-item padding
  • New: added wpbf_before_article, wpbf_before_article_meta, wpbf_after_article_meta, wpbf_after_article hooks to further customize posts
  • Tweak: changed default mobile menu alignment from centered to left
  • Tweak: refactured WooCommerce wrappers – using hooks instead of woocommerce.php file. Fixes a display issue with the new version of WooCommerce (credit: Morgan Tuttle)
  • Fixed: mobile menu height setting does not work
  • Fixed: image beside post blog layout outputs empty header if no post thumbnail is set

Version 1.6.4 – 01/09/2018

  • Fixed: minor premium add-on incompatibility issues

Version 1.6.3 – 01/08/2018

  • Fixed: custom footer shows up when no header/footer template is selected

Version 1.6.2 – 01/04/2018

  • Fixed: settings are missing based on wrong conditional logic

Version 1.6.1 – 12/27/2017

  • Fixed: version bump

Version 1.6 – 12/23/2017

  • New: adjustable sidebar width
  • New: change sidebar position/remove sidebar for archives individually
  • New: change sidebar position/remove sidebar on a post by post basis
  • New: sidebar & template settings are now available for all post types
  • Tweak: current version number is now displayed under Appearance -> License
  • Tweak: removed favicon
  • Tweak: updated german translation

Version 1.5.6 – 12/14/2017

  • Tweak: wrapped span around “posted on” text in post meta
  • Fixed: “Search” title is hard-coded in searchform.php

Version 1.5.5 – 11/26/2017

  • Fixed: slider controls not updating live
  • Fixed: code control not using correct priority

Version 1.5.4 – 11/16/2017

  • Fixed: WordPress 4.9 incompatibility

Version 1.5.3 – 10/27/2017

  • Fixed: persistant update notice

Version 1.5.2 – 10/25/2017

  • Removed: cmb2 Note: Please make sure you are running the latest version of the Premium Addon!
  • Fixed: excerpt length filter

Version 1.5.1 – 10/12/2017

  • Fixed: wpbf-post styling applies to non-archive pages

Version 1.5 – 10/12/2017

  • Tweak: Rewritten Template Settings metabox to move cmb2 from the theme into the premium addon

Version 1.4.3 – 10/10/2017

  • Fixed: FontAwesome file & font path + typo in handle
  • Fixed: WooCommerce font/Image paths in woocommerce-min.css

Version 1.4.2 – 10/05/2017

  • Successfully tested theme updater
  • Fixed: Fatal error: call to undefined function is_plugin_active()

Version 1.4.1 – 10/05/2017

  • Updated: German translation
  • Fixed: wysiwyg custom control
  • Fixed: Theme updater was missing
  • Tweak: License key’s are now hidden

Version 1.4 – 10/05/2017

  • New: Prepared the Page Builder Framework for the WordPress repository
  • New: full width pages & remove title for posts
  • New: RTL support
  • New: customizable theme buttons
  • New: change sidebar widget background color
  • Tweak: display Divi library layouts as full width
  • Tweak: updated theme description & screenshot

Version 1.3.4 – 10/03/2017

  • Fixed: broken logo link on mobile navigation

Version 1.3.3 – 09/31/2017

  • Added: Premium Addon hint in WordPress customizer
  • Fixed: Typekit integration and standard fonts

Version 1.3.2 – 09/18/2017

  • Fixed: Menu is missing for default menu variation

Version 1.3.1 – 09/18/2017

  • New: ability to change height of the mobile navigation
  • New: Pagination for Posts & Pages
  • New: Default WordPress Gallery Styling
  • Updated: German Translation
  • Tweak: Hide sticky footer on boxed layout
  • Fixed: Added missing hooks to all menu variations

Version 1.3 – 09/11/2017

  • New: Skip Link
  • Tweak: removed all role attributes from html5 elements (deprecated)
  • Fixed: W3C validation
  • Fixed: large images breaking out the content on single pages

Version 1.2 – 09/05/2017

  • New: The Page Builder Framework is now free!

Version 1.1.2 – 08/25/2017

  • Fixed: missing checks for error customizer.css error/fallback message to show up/take affect.

Version 1.1.1 – 08/19/2017

  • Fixed: Parse Error in tagline.php template part

Version 1.1 – 08/12/2017

  • New: Menu Hover Effects
  • New: Centered Menu
  • New: add Blog Description (Tagline) to Logo
  • New: Background Color for Transparent Headers
  • New: Improved Scripts Area
  • New: Hamburger Icon color can now be changed for full-screen & off-canvas menu’s
  • New: Beaver Themer Parts Support
  • New: add responsive YouTube/Vimeo Videos everywhere via shortcode (see Docs -> Shortcodes for more info)
  • Tweak: Added Icon that links to the respective Docs entry beside every Theme Settings headline
  • Tweak: Transparent Header is now hidden if Elementor is active
  • Tweak: optimized the way the dynamic CSS file gets created (curl > file_get_contents)
  • Tweak: removed unnecessary Footer panel from the WordPress Customizer
  • Tweak: updated German translation

Version 1.0.9 – 08/02/2017

  • New: Custom Footer can now be populated from within the Customizer under Footer -> Footer Settings
  • Tweak: remove most of the color presets in the WordPress customizer to provide a better live editing experience
  • Tweak: optimize & minify dynamic CSS file
  • Tweak: move the color setting out of the typography toggle for all headlines & text
  • Fixed: Scroll to top gets displayed by default

Version – 07/26/2017

  • Fixed: Sidebar options are gone

Version 1.0.8 – 07/24/2017

  • New: Pre Header Navigation
  • New: Pre Header Hooks
  • New: Snippet area for Google Analytics, etc. to Footer Panel
  • New: Global Blog Options
  • New: New Blog Layout (Image Beside Text)
  • New: Blog Layouts (index, category, archive) can now be managed individually
  • New: individually style bold text color under Typography -> Text
  • Tweak: move navigation font size setting under typography
  • Tweak: set Helvetica as Default font in the customizer so Roboto does not load by default
  • Fixed: full-size images streched to full width of the container
  • Fixed: German wording in Category template

Version – 06/26/2017

  • minor bugfixes

Version 1.0.7 – 06/26/2017

  • New: admin settings page
  • New: performance settings
  • New: white label settings
  • New: global full-width & title settings for pages
  • New: Customizer options to individually style transparent header navigation
  • New: mobile mega menu support
  • New: Arial & Helvetica Neue to fonts dropdown
  • Tweak: dismissible CSS generation notice
  • Tweak: full width template for elementor library
  • Fixed: Google Fonts need a double page refresh to load properly
  • Fixed: stacked navigation display issue
  • Fixed: widget styling applies to all widgets, not only in sidebar
  • Fixed: search icon appears in mobile menu
  • Fixed: link to child theme style.css (Child Theme)

Version – 06/18/2017

  • Fixed: FontAwesome CSS file is missing

Version – 06/06/2017

  • Fixed: image upload in the customizer is not working

Version – 06/05/2017

  • Fixed: menu-item descriptions container gets rendered even if description is empty
  • Fixed: Kirki ACF (Pro) compatibility

Version 1.0.6 – 06/02/2017

  • New: accent color (hover) can now be transparent (rgba)
  • Fixed: page/post content gets added into description field when menu-item gets added
  • Updated: normalize.css to 7.0.0
  • Tweak: CSS improvements
  • Deprecated: removed actions to clean the head area in favor for the upcoming settings page

Version – 05/29/2017

  • Fixed: menu walker issue

Version 1.0.5 – 05/29/2017

  • New: customizable mega menu
  • New: ability to set a specific menu width
  • New: mobile menu font color options
  • New: custom link for the main menu logo
  • New: sidebar template for pages
  • New: CSS class (entry-title) to H1 elements
  • New: theme support for the new WooCommerce Gallery
  • Updated: WooCommerce Styles
  • Updated: German translation
  • Tweak: mobile menu inherits main menu font-family
  • Tweak: automatically focus on menu search input field when search icon is clicked
  • Tweak: make BrowserSync also watch nested php files
  • Fixed: German translation does not work
  • Fixed: HTML5 markup for comments template
  • Fixed: Removed list styling from comments & sidebar widgets

Version 1.0.4 – 05/17/2017

  • New: GPL license & updated theme information
  • Tweak: text transform settings for menu
  • Fixed: Navigation (off-canvas, full-width & sticky) styling if admin-bar is present

Version 1.0.3 – 05/17/2017

  • Fixed: broken submenu styles

Version 1.0.2 – 05/17/2017

  • Tweak: WordPress admin bar overlapped sticky navigation (credit: Lee Jackson)
  • Tweak: Removed default list styling so that it doesn’t break pricing tables and other modules using lists
  • Tweak: default font size for displayed theme hooks
  • Fixed: Hiding logo on sticky navigation using stacked navigation doesn’t work

Version 1.0.1 – 05/16/2017

  • Fixed: Google fonts were not enqueued

Version 1.0 – 05/16/2017

  • New: Transparent Header Template for posts
  • Fixed: Displaying Theme Hooks
  • Fixed: Menu Hooks are now displaying correctly
  • Fixed: Off-Menu Background Color Fallback
  • Fixed: Beaver Themer Support
  • Fixed: Mobile menu stopped working
  • Fixed: Customizer styles didn’t apply. Wrong customizer.css version if child theme resulted in an empty stylesheet
  • Fixed: attachment alignments for figure elements

Premium Add-On

Version – June 17, 2024

  • Fixed: Possible fatal error in the WordPress Customizer

Version – June 12, 2024

  • Fixed: Social Media Link fields won’t show up
  • Fixed: “Off-Canvas Settings” headline doesn’t show up in the Customizer

Version – May 23, 2024

  • Fixed: CTA Button URL field was missing from the WordPress Customizer

Version – May 16, 2024

  • Fixed: Custom Fonts integration

Version 2.10 – May 16, 2024

  • New: Apply recent changes/conversion in Page Builder Framework to the Premium Add-On
  • Important! Please update Page Builder Framework to the latest version to prevent compatibility issues

Version 2.9.2 – November 21, 2023

  • Tweak: Updated Twitter (X) logo

Version 2.9.1 – September 09, 2022

  • New: Setting to clear font cache (Please update Page Builder Framework to the latest version for this feature to work!)
  • Fixed: If transparent header is turned off on mobile devices, it triggers 1px too early
  • Fixed: Rgba color picker didn’t work on theme settings page (Global Color Palette)

Version – August 22, 2022

  • Fixed: Error when trying to edit custom sections

Version 2.9 – August 17, 2022

  • New: Related Posts feature
  • New: Added email field to social media icons
  • Tweak: Add “wpbf_post_links” to list of available hooks in custom sections
  • Tweak: Removed long-deprecated functions (might cause issues with very old versions of Page Builder Framework, please keep your software up to date)
  • Tweak: Removed long-deprecated code that kept pinging the Page Builder Framework server

Version – March 28, 2022

  • Fix: Rare fatal error if an older version of the theme is installed & social icons are used on the frontend

Version 2.8 – March 18, 2022

  • New: Post Layout settings
  • New: Option to add a different bag icon to the WooCommerce menu item
  • New: Transparent Header & Sticky Navigation width settings
  • New: Sub Menu typography settings
  • Tweak: Close full-screen menu on overlay click
  • Tweak: Prevent customizer settings from loading if theme runs below 2.8

Version 2.7.12 – February 04, 2022

  • New: EDD menu item dropdown
  • Tweak: Updated translations
  • Fixed: Some translations were not properly loaded

Version 2.7.11 – December 08, 2021

  • Fixed: Custom Fonts are not rendered properly on the frontend (requires Page Builder Framework 2.8.3)

Version 2.7.10 – December 07, 2021

  • Fixed: Controls are rendered in the wrong order under WooCommerce Shop Page section (requires Page Builder Framework 2.8.2)

Version 2.7.9 – December 01, 2021

  • Fixed: Widget Footer functionality

Version 2.7.8 – November 28, 2021

  • New: Widget Footer width setting
  • Fixed: Footer Widgets select field not saving properly

Version 2.7.7 – November 26, 2021

  • Minor tweaks & improvements

Version – October 26, 2021

  • Fixed: Remove sub-menu indicators from mega menus

Version – October 26, 2021

  • Fixed: Issue where arrows were shown when Navigation Hover Effect was selected

Version 2.7.6 – October 26, 2021

  • New: Performance setting to switch between icon font & SVG’s
  • Minor tweaks & fixes

Version 2.7.5 – September 27, 2021

  • Fixed: Add-to-cart Popup issue if ajax add-to-cart is enabled on product pages

Version 2.7.4 – August 13, 2021

  • Updated en_AU translation
  • Undo: Remove our custom wrappers from WooCommerce product loop in Custom Sections

Version 2.7.3 – July 31, 2021

  • New: Added Dribbble, Tumblr, TikTok & Patreon to social media icons
  • Tweak: Remove our custom wrappers from WooCommerce product loop in Custom Sections
  • Fixed: Mega Menu custom width default value (400px) is not applied
  • Fixed: Warning & Fatal error when location is assigned but display rule is not in Custom Sections

Version 2.7.2 – July 20, 2021

  • Fixed: Looping through wp_nav_menu caused issues with the WordPress loop

Version 2.7.1 – July 14, 2021

  • Fixed: Content of mobile menu is missing

Version 2.7 – July 13, 2021

  • New: Visual mega menu interface
  • New: Custom width setting for mega menus
  • New: Allow for 6 columns inside mega menus
  • Tweak: Mega menus now adapt to parent container width by default
  • Fixed: WooCommerce menu item dropdown doesn’t work with tab navigation

Version 2.6.13 – June 8, 2021

  • New: WooCommerce menu item shortcode ([wpbf-woo-menu-item])

Version 2.6.12 – May 28, 2021

  • New: Set header to transparent from the post quick-edit menu
  • Tweak: Updated translation files + German & Dutch translations
  • Tweak: Yoast support in [wpbf-breadcrumbs] shortcode. We now check specifically if breadcrumbs are enabled in Yoast before rendering
  • Fixed: Javascript error if Transparent Header is disabled on mobile devices
  • Fixed: Sub menu animations stopped working if sticky navigation is enabled
  • Fixed: Sticky navigation didn’t work instantly inside the customizer when turned on

Version 2.6.11 – May 15, 2021

  • New: GenerateBlocks support for Custom Sections
  • New: Option to rename WooCommerce cart menu item text
  • Fixed: Notice/error in backwards compatibility if wpbf_settings is empty
  • Fixed: Default tab wasn’t shown if theme settings were accessed

Version 2.6.10 – May 03, 2021

  • Fixed: Error with Brizy & Custom Sections

Version 2.6.9 – May 03, 2021

  • Tweak: Featured images are now disabled globally for pages by default

Version 2.6.8 – May 03, 2021

  • New: Global settings to disable featured images

Version 2.6.7 – April 30, 2021

  • New: Brizy support for Custom Sections
  • Tweak: WooCommerce form fields width is now 100% on mobiles
  • Tweak: Further improvements to the WooCommerce quick view feature
  • Tweak: Close full-screen navigation if menu item links to an anchor
  • Fixed: If WooCommerce styles are disabled on non-shop pages, the quick view modal is visible in the footer

Version 2.6.6 – March 04, 2021

  • Fixed: Revert additional is_admin() checking introduced in 2.6.4. This was causing issues on sites where the license key check fails or transients aren’t handled properly because of caching

Version 2.6.5 – February 28, 2021

  • Fixed: Revert is_admin() checking introduced in 2.6.4. This seems to be causing issues on some installations and prevents Premium Add-On from executing

Version 2.6.4 – February 27, 2021

  • Tweak: Simplified postMessage scripts for newly converted customizer controls
  • Fixed: API call loop if license key check fails
  • Fixed: Off canvas mobile menu padding

Version 2.6.3 – February 19, 2021

  • Fixed: Rare fatal error on WooCommerce powered sites

Version 2.6.2 – February 17, 2021

  • Fixed: Added backwards compatibility for long deprecated customizer settings that caused issues after converting controls in 2.6

Version 2.6.1 – February 17, 2021

  • Maintenance release

Version 2.6 – February 17, 2021

  • New: Performance setting to store & serve Gravatars locally
  • New: “Compile Inline CSS” feature is now fully supported on WordPress multisites
  • New: Added remove icon to WooCommerce cart menu item dropdown
  • New: WPML support for Custom Sections
  • Tweak: Refactored WooCommere quick view modal
  • Tweak: Refactored [social] shortcode & added title attribute

Version 2.5.13 – January 04, 2021

  • Fixed: WooCommerce infinite scroll doesn’t work on taxonomy archives
  • Fixed: WooCommerce infinite scroll loader position

Version 2.5.12 – December 05, 2020

  • WordPress 5.6 compatibility
  • Minor tweaks & improvements

Version 2.5.11 – November 26, 2020

  • New: Revamped theme settings page
  • New: Option to upload custom logo to appear on the theme settings page
  • Tweak: Improved white label & multisite logic
  • Tweak: Prefixing Custom Section wrapper class with wpbf-custom-section-{post name}
  • Tweak: Updated EDD plugin updater
  • Fixed: WooCommerce dropdown checkout button

Version 2.5.10 – November 09, 2020

  • New: Added hooks to WooCommerce quick view modal
  • Tweak: Updated & enhanced Elementor Pro integration
  • Tweak: Remove Compile inline CSS setting if we’re on a multisite installation
  • Fixed: Wrong textdomains

Version 2.5.9 – September 29, 2020

  • New: LifterLMS hooks are now available in Custom Sections
  • New: WooCommerce hooks are now available in Custom Sections
  • Tweak: Improved Elementor line-height fix
  • Fixed: Gutenberg color palette colors won’t apply to cover block

Version – September 21, 2020

  • Fixed: Fatal error that was caused in some cases by the 2.5.8 release

Version 2.5.8 – September 21, 2020

  • Tweak: Renamed Global Colors to Theme Colors to prevent confusion with the Global Color Palette feature
  • Tweak: Improved output of Global Template & Blog Layout settings on the Theme Settings page

Version 2.5.7 – September 10, 2020

  • New: Option to disable sticky navigation for mobile devices
  • New: wpbf_woo_off_canvas_sidebar_open & wpbf_woo_off_canvas_sidebar_close hooks
  • Tweak: Updated Custom Section Hooks
  • Fixed: Gutenberg color palette colors are not rendering on the frontend (background color)

Version 2.5.6 – August 6, 2020

  • Fixed: RGBA color picker styles on theme settings page
  • Fixed: Gutenberg color palette colors are not rendering on the frontend (text color)

Version 2.5.5 – July 30, 2020

  • Fixed: Stacking & flickering issue with isotope & infinite-scroll in Safari

Version 2.5.4 – July 29, 2020

  • Fixed: Swapped output of base color & base color secondary
  • Fixed: Conditions for loading infinite-scroll.js

Version 2.5.3 – July 28, 2020

  • New: [wpbf-breadcrumbs] shortcode
  • New: Infinite scroll on archives & custom post type archives
  • New: RSS, GitHub, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat & Xing social icons
  • Tweak: Load isotope conditionally for better performance
  • Fixed: Added missing wpbf_before_logo & wpbf_after_logo hooks to Custom Sections
  • Fixed: Rare issue where WooCommerce infinite scroll loader breaks layout

Version 2.5.2 – July 17, 2020

  • New: Disable sticky navigation on mobile devices
  • New: Available hooks in custom sections can now be filtered & extended (wpbf_custom_section_hooks)
  • Tweak: Updated German translation
  • Fixed: “Advanced” toggles on theme settings page
  • Fixed: Color picker issues with upcoming WordPress 5.5 release

Version 2.5.1 – July 13, 2020

  • Fixed: Global color palette controls won’t show up

Version 2.5 – July 13, 2020

  • New: We’re now using CSS variables
  • New: Global theme color settings
  • New: Global color palette
  • New: Font size control for off canvas hamburger icon
  • New: Shrink effect for sticky navigation
  • New: Add post slug class to custom sections
  • Fixed: Rare bug where the customizer won’t load
  • Fixed: Elementor custom sections FOUC
  • Fixed: H1 font-size settings affects body text
  • Fixed: Bug where anchor links won’t close mobile off canvas menu

Version 2.4.4 – June 6, 2020

  • Fixed: GDPR mode for wpbf-responsive-video is broken
  • Fixed: Sub menu animation duration is not respected
  • Fixed: “Hide on Scroll” effect is buggy

Version 2.4.2 – May 27, 2020

  • Fixed: jQuery transit wasn’t loaded

Version 2.4.1 – May 26, 2020

  • Fixed: jQuery error when header is disabled

Version 2.4 – May 25, 2020

  • Please clear your cache after this update!
  • Tweak: Added partial refresh & postMessage functionality to customizer controls
  • Tweak: Combined existing JS files into a single file to save 1 http request
  • Tweak: Prevent default values for customizer settings to create custom CSS
  • Tweak: Refactored Navigation Hover Effects (please clear your cache!)
  • Tweak: Allow for 1 widget area in the newly released widget footer
  • Tweak: Turned typography font size controls into input slider controls
  • Fixed: Sanitization for custom customizer controls
  • Fixed: Custom Sections won’t work with Categories & Tags & Post Archives
  • Fixed: Undefined variable PHP notice
  • Fixed: Theme button font color styles don’t affect WooCommerce cart menu item dropdown

Version 2.3.1 – March 23, 2020

  • New: Footer widget areas
  • New: Performance setting to remove WooCommerce scripts & styles from non-shop pages
  • Fixed: Hide link to documentation from the license page if theme/plugin is white labeled

Version 2.3 – March 19, 2020

  • New: Add assotiated Categories, Tags & Archives to display conditions for Custom Post Types in Custom Sections
  • New: Custom Sections can now be restricted to breakpoints
  • New: Filter (wpbf_woocommerce_scripts) to remove WooCommerce scripts
  • New: Setting to hide White Label section
  • Tweak: Customizer Links on the Theme Settings page can now be extended or removed (Hooks: wpbf_customizer_links, wpbf_before_customizer_links, wpbf_after_customizer_links)
  • Fixed: Custom Sections display conditions for tags don’t work
  • Fixed: Multisite support

Version 2.2.2 – March 02, 2020

  • New: Custom Sections now supports Elementor (free)
  • Fixed: Advanced Global Transparent Header settings won’t save

Version 2.2.1 – February 17, 2020

  • Reverted: We now automatically enable Custom Sections post type for Beaver Builder, Elementor & Divi

Version 2.2 – February 17, 2020

  • New: Theme settings page design
  • New: Divi support for Custom Sections
  • New: We now automatically enable Custom Sections post type for Beaver Builder, Elementor & Divi
  • New: Added Shop page to Custom Sections include rules
  • New: Filter to change level of access for Custom Sections (wpbf_custom_sections_capability – default: manage_options)
  • Fixed: id was called incorrectly. Product properties should not be accessed directly.
  • Fixed: The WC_Product::get_gallery_attachment_ids function is deprecated since version 3.0. Replace with WC_Product::get_gallery_image_ids.

Version 2.1.6 – January 22, 2020

  • Minor tweaks & improvements
  • New: Added support for Customizer Reset – Export & Import plugin
  • Tweak: Removed “Your license key will expire in x days” admin notice
  • Fixed: Call to Action button CSS
  • Fixed: Previewing other themes throws fatal error

Version 2.1.5 – December 07, 2019

  • New: Custom color options for [social] shortcode
  • Tweak: Further improved license key handling
  • Fixed: Issue with grid blog layout (Masonry) in Safari

Version 2.1.4 – December 05, 2019

  • Updated translations
  • Improved license key handling
  • Improved Custom Sections User Access functionality (option to show Custom Section only to logged-in users or visitors)
  • Tweak: Custom Sections now respect per post/page settings (disable header/disable footer)
  • Tweak: Add px as default value for responsive font size fields
  • Fixed: Error when previewing other themes

Version 2.1.3 – November 11, 2019

  • Fixed: Blog/Archive headline fields are missing in the customizer

Version 2.1.2 – October 21, 2019

  • Fixed: Sticky navigation now respects custom mobile logo

Version – October 11, 2019

  • Fixed: Empty space at the beginning of a file

Version 2.1.1 – October 11, 2019

  • Maintenance release
  • Tweak: Hooks is now the default location for Custom Sections
  • Fixed: Wrong textdomains

Version – September 13, 2019

  • Tweak: Renamed Typekit to Adobe Fonts
  • Tweak: Added Blog Layouts link to Documentation
  • Fixed: Bug that caused infinite scroll to load when disabled

Version – August 28, 2019

  • Fixed: Beaver Themer compatibility issue

Version 2.1 – August 28, 2019

  • New: WooCommerce Cart Popup
  • New: WooCommerce Infinite Scroll
  • New: WooCommerce Off Canvas Sidebar
  • New: WooCommerce Distraction Free Checkout
  • New: Display WooCommerce gallery images on quick view modal
  • New: Gutenberg Support for Custom Sections
  • New: „is user logged in“ display condition for Custom Sections
  • Tweak: Make branding settings apply to subsites on multisite networks
  • Tweak: added font-display: swap; to Custom Fonts
  • Fixed: Previewing other themes doesn’t work
  • Fixed: Navigation Hover Effect & CTA Button conflict
  • Removed: Header/Footer Elementor ( support – now available in the free version

Version – July 25, 2019

  • Fixed: race condition issue where stylesheets were loaded in the wrong order

Version 2.0.5 – June 18, 2019

  • New: added spotify, behance & reddit to [social] shortcode

Version 2.0.4 – June 3, 2019

  • New: option to add Call to Action Button to mobile navigation
  • New: text logo & tagline color options for sticky navigation and transparent header
  • New: added hooks to Custom Sections
  • Tweak: reorganized Social Media Icon settings
  • Fixed: broken [social] shortcode

Version 2.0.3 – May 14, 2019

  • New: Added performance setting to compile inline CSS to external stylesheet
  • Fixed: Transparent Header settings aren’t saved properly

Version 2.0.2 – May 10, 2019

  • Fixed: bug that causes an error during license key activation on fresh installs with version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1 – May 6, 2019

  • Tweak: Updated plugin header
  • Tweak: Removed “Load Google Fonts asynchronously” option. Google Fonts will be hosted locally by default with the next theme release
  • Fixed: CSS output for letter spacing & line-height

Version 2.0 – April 10, 2019

  • New: Grid Blog Layout
  • New: Masonry Effect for Grid Blog Layout
  • Fixed: Wrong logo size breakpoint on sticky navigation (Tablet)

Version 1.12.2 – April 1, 2019

  • Tweak: Remove hover effect from CTA button
  • Fixed: CTA Button styles on transparent header navigation

Version 1.12.1 – April 1, 2019

  • Fixed: Sidebar settings don’t work on category blog layout settings
  • Fixed: CTA Button styles on sticky navigation
  • Updated German translation

Version 1.12 – March 27, 2019

  • All Features from 1.12 – Beta-1
  • Tweak: added wpbf_before_post_links & wpbf_after_post_links hooks to Custom Sections

Version 1.12 – Beta-1 – March 4, 2019

  • New: global Blog Layout settings
  • New: option to add Pre-Header to Sticky Navigation
  • New: customizable Call to Action button
  • New: added „Blog Page“ display rule to Custom Sections
  • New: Footer Theme Author settings
  • New: major accessibility improvements (tab navigation, screen reader text, aria markup)
  • Tweak: major code & performance improvements
  • Tweak: refactored sticky navigation logo size control
  • Tweak: targeting is_home() instead of is_front_page() if „Blog Page“ is selected in global transparent header settings
  • Tweak: moved menu font size setting to Page Builder Framework
  • Tweak: moved Footer settings to Page Builder Framework
  • Tweak: refined Elementor & Elementor Pro integration (using elementor’s built-in action hooks instead of checking if plugins are active)
  • Fixed: letter spacing cannot be set back to 0
  • Fixed: override Elementor line-height settings properly
  • Fixed: removed comments from dynamic CSS file that caused W3C validation error
  • Deprecated: [credit] shortcode
  • Removed: deprecated page template (Transparent Header)
  • Removed: Hooks (wpbf_before_off_canvas_menu, wpbf_after_off_canvas_menu, wpbf_before_full_screen_menu, wpbf_after_full_screen_menu)

Version 1.11.1 – January 23, 2019

  • Fixed: Head Code (Scripts & Styles -> Header) doesn’t fire
  • Fixed: Theme Settings Styles & Scripts weren’t loaded properly
  • Fixed: bug where Beaver Themer Footer wasn’t properly removed if Footer is disabled

Version 1.11 – January 9, 2019

  • New: White Label Premium Add-On for Page Builder Framework
  • New: global Transparent Header settings
  • Tweak: clean up and proper code documentation
  • Tweak: optimized theme settings page layout
  • Fixed: bug where Beaver Themer Footer wasn’t properly removed if Footer is disabled

Version 1.10.3 – December 6, 2018

  • New: search icon for Off Canvas (right) & Full Screen navigation
  • New: filter to disable “Display Hooks” node
  • New: Disable Beaver Themer Header/Footer if disabled in theme
  • New: Transparent Header nav item (search & hamburger icon) color controls for mobiles & desktops
  • Fixed: theme button styles don’t apply to buttons in the WooCommerce menu item dropdown

Version 1.10.2 – November 29, 2018

  • Fixed: PAnD was called too late

Version 1.10.1 – November 28, 2018

  • Fixed: admin notice is not dismissable

Version 1.10 – November 22, 2018

  • New: Custom Sections
  • New: custom breakpoint for mobile devices
  • Updated translations
  • New: Italian translation
  • New: Croatian translation
  • Tweak: added nofollow attribute to footer link ([credit] Shortcode)
  • Tweak: make WooCommerce menu item text filter (wpbf_woo_menu_item_label) also apply to button in the dropdown menu
  • Fixed: Issue with long titles in WooCommerce menu item dropdown
  • Fixed: make sure Custom Fonts are enabled before CSS output
  • Fixed: undefined variable: checked in options.php
  • Fixed: wrong default value for woocommerce_loop_image_flip
  • Fixed: fatal error: call to a member function issue caused by get_gallery_image_ids()

Version 1.9.1 – September 13, 2018

  • Tweak: prepend quick view modal only to the closest .woocommerce element
  • Fixed: table styling in WooCommerce menu item
  • Fixed: make column styling for side-by-side checkout layout only apply to checkout page
  • Fixed: layout in quick view if no preview images has been selected

Version 1.9 – August 30, 2018

  • New: Custom Fonts Integration
  • New: Beaver Builder & Elementor integration for Typekit & Custom Fonts
  • Tweak: Removed border radius & border from WooCommerce menu item if determined
  • Fixed: WooCommerce quick view on Elementor-built shop pages
  • Fixed: js error if sticky navigation is used but header is disabled
  • Minor tweaks & improvements

Version 1.8.1 – August 7, 2018

  • Fixed: No fonts showing up if Typekit is deactivated

Version 1.8 – August 7, 2018

  • New: Advanced WooCommerce Integration
  • Fixed: Typekit implementation (Please check your Typekit settings!)

Version 1.7.4 – July 9, 2018

  • Tweak: changed custom footer shortcode field display conditions

Version 1.7.3 – 07/02/2018

  • New: off canvas menu overlays (mobile & desktop)

Version 1.7.2 – 06/19/2018

  • Fixed: wrong custom responsive breakpoint for grid component
  • Fixed: error in wpbf-responsive-video shortcode
  • Fixed: navigation hover effect (underline/slide) caused an issue with the second level submenu-arrow

Version 1.7.1 – 05/21/2018

  • New: opt_out option for wpbf-responsive-video shortcode
  • New: off-canvas mobile menu closes if anchor links (# or /#) are being used
  • New: wpbf_has_responsive_breakpoints() function

Version 1.7 – 05/11/2018

  • New: Sticky Navigation effect (Hide on Scroll)
  • New: Hebrew translation (thanks Dan Lavie)
  • New: Portuguese (Brazil) translation (thanks Chagas Silva)
  • New: Dutch translation (thanks CROOZEmaster)
  • Tweak: replaced FontAwesome with custom font (social icons)

Version 1.6.1 – 04/24/2018

  • Updated: plugin updater
  • Fixed: headers already sent

Version 1.6 – 04/24/2018

  • Maintenance release
  • New: hamburger icon color option for off-canvas menu’s
  • New: hamburger icon color option for sticky navigation (mobile & off-canvas menu’s)
  • New: submenu arrow color setting for off-canvas menu’s
  • Tweak: hide license activation notice from subsites on multisite networks
  • Fixed: yelp social icon color
  • Fixed: branding settings
  • Fixed: transparent header font color settings affect sub-menu’s

Version 1.5 – 04/10/2018

  • New: Elementor Pro 2.0 integration
  • Tweak: partially replaced FontAwesome icons with custom font
  • Fixed: off-canvas mobile menu logic

Version 1.4.2 – 04/05/2018

  • Maintenance Release

Version 1.4.1 – 04/01/2018

  • New: replace 404 page with your custom layout (General -> 404 Layout)

Version 1.4 Beta – 03/22/2018

  • New: transparent header setting
  • New: sub menu effects (fade, slide down, slide up, zoom in, zoom out)
  • New: custom sticky navigation & sub menu animation duration
  • Tweak: added a body class for each responsive breakpoint to grab values via jQuery
  • Tweak: removed responsive breakpoint px value restriction – you can now enter the breakpoint either with or without the px suffix
  • Tweak: re-arrange Premium Add-On menu settings in the customizer
  • Fixed: line-height live preview for headlines aren’t working
  • Fixed: when custom breakpoints are set, pre header and footer don’t display properly on mobile devices
  • Deprecated: transparent header template

Version 1.3.11 – 03/02/2018

  • Fixed: Typekit script is not loading properly

Version 1.3.10 – 02/18/2018

  • New: admin notice if license key has not been entered and activated
  • Fixed: sub-menu font-color also applies to sticky navigation sub-menu’s
  • Fixed: sticky navigation font color changes apply to mobile menu

Version 1.3.9 – 02/12/2018

  • Tweak: updated FontAwesome references to version 5

Version 1.3.8 – 01/31/2018

  • New: option to remove logo from sticky navigation for centered menu
  • Tweak: added mega-menu compatibility for the new collapsible sub-menus
  • Fixed: conditional logic for menu hover effects

Version – 01/12/2018

  • Fixed: removed test setting that has accidently been published

Version 1.3.7 – 01/09/2018

  • Fixed: minor theme incompatibility issues

Version 1.3.6 – 01/09/2018

  • New: loading Google fonts asynchronously is now optional (Theme Settings -> Performance Settings)
  • Tweak: rewrite of theme options page to get rid of cmb2 (saves almost 3mb in file size)
  • Fixed: descriptions are shown in raw html

Version – 01/04/2018

  • Fixed: settings are missing based on wrong conditional logic

Version – 12/23/2017

  • New: global template settings for all post types
  • Tweak: updatet German translation
  • Fixed: removed superfluous CSS from responsive.php

Version 1.3.5 – 12/18/2017

  • New: Beaver Builder menu integration
  • Added: compatibility for the custom sidebar size if responsive breakpoints are set
  • Added: body class (wpbf-responsive-breakpoints) if custom responsive breakpoints are set
  • Tweak: changed the name of the Elementor menu to Custom Menu to also allow Beaver Builder menus
  • Tweak: current version number is now displayed under Appearance -> Premium License
  • Fixed: minor security fixes
  • Fixed: WooCommerce responsive styles are being added even if WooCommerce is not running (if custom responsive breakpoints are set)
  • Fixed: license activation button shows up, even after license key has been removed
  • Fixed: Custom Footer code field is missing when Divi Builder is active

Version 1.3.4 – 11/26/2017

  • Updated Plugin Header Information

Version 1.3.3 – 11/26/2017

  • Fixed: underline effect for current menu item

Version 1.3.2 – 10/30/2017

  • New: Header Footer Elementor Support

Version 1.3.1 – 10/12/2017

  • New: global full-width & remove title settings for posts
  • Fixed: global template settings for pages apply to posts
  • Fixed: wysiwyg editor for stacked advanced menu was missing
  • Tweak: improved Premium Addon integration for customizer settings
  • Tweak: moved cmb2 from the theme into the premium addon

Version 1.3 – 10/05/2017

  • New: customizable responsive breakpoints
  • Fixed: current menu item look for Navigation Hover Effect (grow)
  • Fixed: Fatal error: call to undefined function is_plugin_active()

Version 1.2.1 – 09/21/2017

  • Fixed: Typekit integration

Version 1.2 – 09/18/2017

  • New: Navigation Hover Effects (refactured)
  • New: Elementor Nav Menu Integration
  • Updated: German translation

Version 1.1 – 09/11/2017

  • New: Advanced Stacked Navigation with left, center, right alignment
  • New: German translation
  • Tweak: hide mega menu from off-canvas menus
  • Fixed: mega menu display issues
  • Fixed: mega menu support for off-canvas mobile menu
  • Fixed: hide mega menu arrows on mobiles
  • Fixed: typography line-heights don’t apply on Elementor headlines

Version 1.0.3 – 09/07/2017

  • Fixed: Typekit integration (Parse error)

Version 1.0.2 – 09/05/2017

  • New: added theme tags to white label settings
  • Fixed: “This is a child theme of the Page Builder Framework” notice when main theme has been rebranded.

Version 1.0.1 – 09/01/2017

  • Fixed: The plugin generated 3 characters of unexpected output during activation

Version 1.0 – 08/29/2017

  • Initial Premium Addon Release
  • New: Off-Canvas mobile menu
  • New: Typekit Integration
  • Tweak: Improved mobile Hamburger menu
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